7m Glamping Dome
Diameter: 7m
Entrance door: ………….
Max height: 280cm
Wind resistant upto 100km/h
Weighs approx 1000kg
Temperature can withstand -30°C +- 70°C Flame Retardant
Self Cleaning – Unique hydrophobic coating reduces surface tension
Waterproof, moisture proof
UV Proof and pressure resistant
Will not discolour over time
Lasts for 15 years
Transparent tough poly-carbonate shell with built in window roof vent and poly-carbonate sliding entrance door. Bathroom Partition wall with frosted poly-carbonate and sliding door + lock.
Living room insulated partition wall with powder coated sheets and sliding door + lock.
Back half of external wall will be insulated with powder coated steel walls and frosted external powder-carbonate sheets